Many thanks to all the people who have contributed or made
Keep 'em comin' |
A |
B |
Afeard - scared
Ah - I or me, ie Ah don't feel well
Aminal -common mispronounciation of Animal
Amptinat? -I most definitely am.
Arsehole -calling someone a rectum
Aye -meaning "yes" |
Balleex -"bollocks" Thats balleex - Used in
context when disagreeing with someone
Bake -someones face
Baltic - quite cold
Banjaxed - drunk
Bate -beat, I bate her up so ah did
Bate The Wife - bottle of cider
Beef -male sexual organ ie "Ah slipped her the beef lawst nite"
Beezer - Very good, Thats Beezer
Beg -wafer thin plastic vessel; good for carrying shopping :also
"oul' beg" when referring to an
elderly female
Blurt -Slang for female genetalia
Boggen - dirty, unclean
Boulin' -messing about
Bout Ye -"Hello"
Brave - large
Brew - weekly benefit
Buggered -broken |
C |
D |
Cameracorder -grannies use of the word
Cheeser -like Beezer, meaning "very good" or "exellent"
Chicken -child slang for "afraid"
Chinks -popular Chinese food Take Aways
Childer -children
Cracker -not something you put cheese on, means beezer
Creamed -tired |
Dander -a walk, ie I'm goin fer a dander
Dawg -canine, dog
Digikil -common mis-prounciation of "Digital"
Drawers -underwear
Dour -a door
Duncher -Cap |
E |
F |
Earlee-er -before the present
Eejit -derived from "Idiot", means "Idiot"
Eff Aaf - Fuck Off |
FaakAaf - Excuse me my good man, kindly vacate
the premises
Faaler -father
Fally - follow
Fillum -a movie or film
Fingy -someone whose name you can't remember
Frig -polite word for "Fuck", also used: Flip
Flour - a floor
Fut - foot |
G |
H |
Gat -slang, You're a wee gat or get
Geg -fun, "Ats a geg"
Getawaydafuck -go away now
Givuz -give me
Glass -Half-Pint
Goes -replaces the word "Said" ie And I goes: What? Are you
slabberin'?" And then she goes,
Gutties -training shoes |
Happy Days - that's good
Hardly -meaning "Thats not true" ie Hardly now. Hardly.
Hectic - See Mad
Heel -not to be confused with the back of your foot, means end
of a loaf
Heerzme - "And then I said..."
Hippy - someone who likes Bon Jovi
Houl On -please wait |
I |
J |
Job -activity usually carried out under the
cover of night
Joken -joking |
K |
L |
Kudn't -couldn't ie Ah kudn't do that... |
Lairdindeyit -please do start eating (or
drinking) see also "wiredintillit"
Leenantarsapees -Famous Italian landmark
Lifted - arrested
Lingo -language |
M |
N |
Mad - See Hectic
Mairshen - Emersion Heater
Magic -not tricks, but another word meaning great or good
Majassif - large
Mawn -a man, male
Meat Wagon -RUC Landrovers
Melt -no actual meaning, used as: "I'll knock your melt in"
Messages - weekly shopping
Milly -name given to teenage females. See also: Steek
Moufycunt - rather outspoken person
Mucker -a friend or mate
Muller -Mother or "Ma" |
Nek it - drink that drink in one
Nice One -that was good
Norman -bullying term for someone with no friends
Norwegain - Another Gin please
Now Yer Sucken Deezel -that's a good way of going about that |
O |
P |
Offees -alchohol retailer
Oi -a yelp for someones attention ie Oi! You! C'mere!"
Oxters -Armpits
Pat - container in which food is boiled
Prably -maybe, its likely
Passion -heavy rain in Ballymena
Parfil - strong
Peeler -a police officer
Piece -sandwich
Pot - short for Patrick
Pssskety -common misprounciation of "Spaghetti"
Pump - to urinate
Purdie -countryside slang for Potato |
Q |
R |
Quim -slang for female genetalia |
Ragin' -angry, Ahm bloody ragin' so ah am.
Ration -you'd be doing this if you were trying to get to
somewhere in a hurry, in Ballymena
Rare -not to be confused with "scarce", means crap |
S |
T |
Samitch -mispronunciation of "Sandwhich"
Scundered - embarrassed
Sebm -seven [7]
Shap -shop
Shar -a shower
Sicken' Ye - would annoy you
Skinned Ye! - Haha my good friend, I do believe I won that
particular game by a significant margin
Slabber -someone who makes bad comments about you behind your
back or to your face
Spoofen - lying
Spide - see Steek
Spoon -someone with a low IQ
Steek -male with bad dress and hair sense
Stroked - stolen / ripped off |
Ta -Thank You
Tarl - a towel
Theee -the number three
Theee Leet - 3 litre bottle of cider
Till -replaces the word "to" ie Goin till the shap"
Tube -see: Spoon
Two Leet - 2 litre bottle of cider |
U |
V |
Undurstawnd -understand ie Do ye undurstawnd me? |
Vaka -Vodka |
W |
X |
Weaker -yet another word for "brilliant"
Welt -male genitals
Wee -put in front of words such as "drink", "dander", and
basically anything
Wick -not exactly brilliant
Willik - nose
Wiredintillit -"Got wiredintillit earlee-er"
Windie -a window
Windielickurs -horrid term for the mentally disadvantaged
Windie Still -a window sill
Wooden One -not a clever person |
X-Acktlee -exactly |
Y |
Z |
Yermaa -an insult said when nothing else can be
thought of
Yeegittin? -Are you being served?
Yip -yes
Yousens - When addressing more than one person |
Zabra/Zedbra -Zebra |